Forthcoming Events
Mickleham Choral Society – ‘We don’t just sing songs, we put on a show’

Leith Hill Music Festival
Friday 11 April 2025
7.30pm, Dorking Halls
Leith Hill Music Festival is a competitive choral festival for amateur choirs in the Surrey area held over two days in April with a combined concert each evening. This year we will be performing Will Todd’s Passion Music and Jazz Missa Brevis on the Friday evening.
Tickets are available from the Dorking Halls website
We’d also love you to come along and support the competition on the morning of Friday 11th April (time TBC). Hear MCS and several other choirs each sing 3 own choice short competition pieces, as well as several smaller groups taking part in the ensemble competition. There is no charge to sit and listen to the competition; we’d love to see you!
Booking Details for MCS Concerts
Either reserve your tickets by sending this form or purchase your ticket order by bank transfer using your surname as reference.
Bank details
Mickleham Choral Society
CAF Bank
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number:00035255